Weekly summary 46/2019

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#1 18. November 2019 - 0:37
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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Weekly summary 46/2019


this is a summary of what was going in the doll world in the 46th week of 2019, as far as we at Dollstudio & DS Doll Europe were concerned.

1) New arrivals.

This week, six new heads were introduced:

  • HR Doll head no. 9 - TPE
  • Xycolo head ›Angel‹ - silicone
  • Xycolo head ›Ailu‹ - silicone
  • Xycolo head ›Mumu‹ - silicone
  • Xycolo head ›Nao‹ - silicone
  • YL Doll head ›Regina‹ (Jinsan no. 356) - TPE

Also, one new body style was released:

As always, you can follow the latest updates in our Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/DollStudioEU

Also, we have the New products listing on all three Dollstudio websites. It is sorted in reverse chronological order, so the latest additions to our portfolio are on top of the listing:

On Dollstudio EU, there is also the New arrivals timeline http://eu.dollstudio.org/timeline with a slightly different display style.

2) Latest blog posts.

Our daily blog posts feature mostly new photo sets, showcasing dolls and heads in various configurations.

Among some other things, we have posted these new picture series during the past week:

These blog posts are mirrored on the Latest blog posts section all three Dollstudio websites. It is sorted in reverse chronological order, newest posts on top:

(EU and US sites in English, DE site in German)

3) Factory photos and shipped dolls.

This week, we had three completed dolls:

As usual, confirmation pics are in our Twitter feed and on the respective product pages.

4) Current Promotions.

The end of the year is closing in, and everywhere promotions are sprouting.

  • Doll Forever - 2nd head for free (valid during November for doll bodies from up 140 and up)
  • Doll House 168 - 2nd head for free (valid during November for doll bodies from up 140 and up)
  • Hitdoll & Ildoll - 2nd head for free & for silicone heads: one head with stitched/implanted hair (currently not clear if and when this promotion will happen)
  • Irontech Doll - 2nd head for free (valid from November 5th until 30th for doll bodies from up 140 and up)
  • Piper Doll - hanging hook & 2nd wig for free
  • Xycolo - Introductory prices until end of November 2019 for all Xycolo dolls!
  • YL Doll - 2nd head for free (Black Friday Promotion, valid from Nov 28th until Dec 4th)

5) Weekly Top 10 Dolls.

Based on our website access stats, I am starting a new weekly report: What's trending this week?

These stats reflect what our (potential) customers are interested in. The stats are broken down by the geographical distribution area, so this might give some insight about varying regional tastes or preferences.

Dollstudio EU

  1. YL Doll YL-146/G
  2. Ildoll IL-140
  3. WM Doll WM-108/L
  4. Climax Doll CLM-135
  5. Xycolo XC-170/F
  6. Irontech IT-140/M
  7. Xycolo XC-153/E
  8. WM Dolls WM-156/H
  9. Ildoll IL-150
  10. Irontech IT-165/A

Dollstudio US

  1. Xycolo XC-170/F
  2. Ildoll IL-170
  3. Xycolo XC-153/E
  4. Xycolo XC-153/AA
  5. Ildoll IL-151
  6. WM Dolls WM-156/H
  7. WM Dolls WM-170
  8. JY Doll JY-162
  9. Hitdoll HI-140
  10. SM Doll SM-158/D

Dollstudio DE

  1. Piper Fantasy PI-130
  2. Piper Fantasy PI-130 Elf
  3. JY Doll JY-100
  4. Xycolo XC-170/F
  5. Ildoll IL-140
  6. Doll Forever FIT-145/F
  7. Xycolo XC-153/E
  8. HR Doll HR-168
  9. Doll Forever D4E-165/B
  10. Doll Forever D4E-135

6) Indigo updates.

Good news from Indigo, we are now back on track!

In the past weeks we have shipped all pending orders we could fulfill and the backlog is now almost cleared. For the remaining orders we need to re-supply with TPE material; this applies to DH168 'classic' and DH168 EVO. Since DH168 fully supports Indigo's TPE Repair Kit, I am confident that this orders can be shipped within the next couple of weeks.

Also, Indigo's care & repair products are now listed again and can be regularily ordered as before. For most supported brands, the repair kit can be shipped within a week.

Though, not so good news on the Irontech front. Although we and Jeff from BCD have asked numerous times about original TPE material, we simply won't get material to work with. So as far as Irontech's TPE blend is concerned, it remains unsupported by Indigo's TPE Repair Kit.

However, one new TPE blend is scheduled to be supported by Indigo's TPE Repair Kit soon: HR Doll, which is manufactured at 6Ye factory. TPE material has been ordered, and Indigo i planning to analyze it as soon as he gets it.

7) Current & upcoming Unboxing Reviews.

There is a new Unboxing review in preparation:



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