Weekly summary 05/2021

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#1 8. February 2021 - 2:12
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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Weekly summary 05/2021


this is a summary of what was going in the doll world in the 5th week of 2021, as far as we at Dollstudio & DS Doll Europe were concerned.

1) Coronavirus situation. a) The pandemic situation in general. The Corona plandemic continues with enforced lockdowns in numerous countries around the globe, particularily in Europe. At the same time, treatment with Ivermectin is increasingly recognized in some regions whilst the possibility of treatments is still suppressed is many wealthier countries. Even in the U.S., treatments with Ivermectin often have to be fought through in court. There are scientifically proven COVID-19 prophylaxis and treatment protocols like I-MASK+ and MATH+ available. Though, the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is similarily managable like any other easily transmissible virus is being ignored as if it be an irrelevant, not newsworthy anecdote. With the latest WHO clarifications about the importance of a proper cycle threshold (around 30) and the abuse of PCR tests for diagnostic purposes (WHO ID Information Notice 2020/5, version 2), it is now evident that supposed 'case numbers' and reported 'infections' have been intentionally bloated.

For background information:

b) Impact on the doll business. Unchanged and economically threatening - the 'hard lockdowns' and all the severe restrictions for international trade cause massive delays for doll shipments, even though some packages still make it relatively fast to destinations like North America. These effects are being amplied through Chinese New Year holidays which are officially starting next week. In Europe, certain political managers have proclaimed it to be a 'civic duty' not to travel and not to go on vacation. It was announced to spoil traveling for those who do not comply by making traveling as annoying as possible. That means in plain words: As long as lockdown policies last, there will be limited air freight capacities. Limited air freight capacities = high freight costs and slow international transit. As of February 2021, shipping a doll to the U.S. costs on average approximately the same as the product itself. For EU destinations, international transit currently takes 60+ days for most dolls. Small packages from Europe to North America are either uneconomically expensive (shipping with express air mail) or take 2+ months (shipping on the sea route). The lockdowns are starting to suffocate international trade.

2) New arrivals.

This week, five new heads were introduced:

  • HR Doll no. 37 head (= HR no. 37) - TPE
  • WM Dolls no. 347 head (= Jinsan no. 347) - TPE
  • WM Dolls no. 349 head (= Jinsan no. 349) - TPE
  • WM Dolls WMS no. 5 head - silicone
  • Zelex G31 head - silicone

One new body style was released:

New head variants of existing heads:

  • SE Doll ›Summer‹ head, also known as Isabella (= SE no. 072) - TPE
  • SE Doll ›Yuukina‹ head aka 夕姫, also known as Miki (= SE no. 076) - TPE

As always, you can follow the latest updates in our Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/DollStudioEU

Also, we have the New products listing on all three Dollstudio websites. It is sorted in reverse chronological order, so the latest additions to our portfolio are on top of the listing:

On Dollstudio EU, there is also the New arrivals timeline http://eu.dollstudio.org/timeline with a slightly different display style.

3) Industry news.

This regular column report about things like noteworthy events, model line changes, business updates, technical updates, and dolls in development.

4) Latest blog posts.

Our daily blog posts feature mostly new photo sets, showcasing dolls and heads in various configurations.

These blog posts are mirrored on the Latest blog posts section all three Dollstudio websites. It is sorted in reverse chronological order, newest posts on top:

(EU and US sites in English, DE site in German)

5) Factory photos and shipped dolls.

This week we had four completed dolls:

6) Weekly Top 10 Dolls.

Based on our website access stats, here is the weekly report: What's trending this week?

Dollstudio EU

  1. WM Dolls WM-164/J
  2. WM Dolls WM-162/F
  3. SE Doll SE-161/E
  4. WM Dolls WMS-165/D
  5. Xycolo XC-163/E
  6. Piper Silicone PI-160/G ›Jenna‹
  7. JY Doll JY-162
  8. Irontech IT-154/F
  9. Xycolo XC-163/A
  10. Gynoid GT-162/D (Model 11)

Dollstudio US

  1. Doll Sweet DS-167 ›Evo‹
  2. Zelex ZE-165
  3. SE Doll SE-161/E
  4. Doll Sweet DS-168 ›Summit‹ - Alexa
  5. WM Dolls WM-164/J
  6. Doll House 168 DH20-80/E
  7. Doll House 168 DH20-140/E
  8. Xycolo XC-163/E
  9. Xycolo XC-153/A
  10. Doll House 168 DH20-140/E

Dollstudio DE

  1. Gynoid GT-170/E (Model 13)
  2. WM Dolls WM-164/F
  3. Gynoid GT-162/D (Model 11)
  4. Doll House 168 DH20-80/G
  5. WM Dolls WM-162/F
  6. WM Dolls WM-155/L
  7. WM Dolls WM-164/J
  8. Piper Silicone PI-160/H ›Risako‹
  9. Zelex ZE-165
  10. Piper Silicone PI-160/G ›Jenna‹



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