Weekly summary 25/2022

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#1 26. June 2022 - 7:39
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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Weekly summary 25/2022


this is a summary of what was going in the doll world in the 25th week of 2022, as far as we at Dollstudio & DS Doll Europe were concerned.

1) 'Great Reset' situation. a) The situation in general. The economic desaster caused by lockdowns and other Corona measures keeps unfolding. Supply chains are disrupted, and energy prices keep climbing up - fuel, gas, diesel, crude oil, and coal. Shortages in key industries are continuously reported even in mainstram media. We are now in a massive energy crisis which is further spurred on by tensions between Russia, Ukraine, the EU and the US. Many countries report a rapid inflation around 8% and up.

In the U.S., one food plant burns down or is destroyed by mysterious accidents. According to Trace Gallagher (Fox News), within six months, there had been 17 incidents of fires, explosions and even two plane crashes that hit food processing and storage plants in the United States. A new website, foodcollapse.com, keeps reporting on this series of obscure incidents. Also in the U.S., farm land is massively shut down to compy with the U.N. 'Sustainable Development Goals' which requires to conserve 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030; in Europe, governments seem to enforce culling of 30% of its livestock to comply with an EU law to reduce nitrogen (e.g. Netherlands). This might not be the right approach to deal reasonably with the current food crisis. See this report on Technocracy News & Trends for background information. One crisis follows the other, and every single one of then is man-made, intentional and spurred on by deceptive propaganda. Decision makers could have chosen differently. It didn't have to be this way.

With currently 88 studies including 39 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) and 66 peer-reviewed papers reporting positive effects of Ivermectin, there is plenty of sound research proving the efficacy of Covid-19 prophylaxis, and treatment protocols like I-MASK+ and MATH+ available. With the early intervention treatment protocols provided by Dr. Shankara Chetty, Covid-19 can successfully be treated as a biphasic disease by fully relying on authorized medication and on-label use drugs. Also, as reported in the Lancet, inhalation of Budesonid can reduce the probability of severe courses of disease by 90%. All of this is clear evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is similarily managable like any other easily transmissible virus. For what plausible reason is treatment and prophylaxis with Ivermectin or Budesonid keeps getting suppressed? #FollowtheScience.

Obviously, Corona was only the pretext for something much bigger, now aliased as "New World Order", or the Wold Economic Forum's "Great Reset", or in the end: the United Nation's Agenda 2030. It is a total restructuring of society, financial markets, economy, and politics outside of democratic control. Actually, we are experiencing a global 'coup d'etat' and not a virus pandemic. The next steps into a totalitarian, technocratic, fascist surveillance state are already in the making: digital ID (eID), universal basic income, central bank digital currency, social credit score systems - and most certainly more crises ahead: Before there can be a 'Great Reset', there needs to be greatest destruction.

For background information:

b) Impact on the doll business. The global crisis hits the doll business on multiple levels. The sequence of obstacles is long: increasing costs for raw materials, silicone shortages, severed supply chains, rationed electrical energy in mainland China, increased air freight costs as well for EU as US destinations, and transit times ranging up to 95 days.

Bottomline: The world is now in a series of massive crises. When energy costs skyrocket, it has an impact on every line of business. If Chinas factories are shut down, additional supply chain disruptions will follow. If governments forbid farms to supply directly to end customers, the food supply becomes less resilient. If less fertilizer is produced, the harvest in fall will be poor and food prices will increase. Numerous people in poorer countries will starve to death, and in the richer countries, people will become impoverished. It is now time to stop complying with an inhumane and not democratically legitimized agenda!

2) New arrivals.

This week, two new heads were introduced:

  • Zelex GE-76 head - silicone
  • Jiusheng Doll ›Yukiko‹ head (Jiusheng no. 45) - TPE/silicone

No new body styles were released.

No new head variants of existing heads were introduced.

No new variants of an existing body styles were introduced:

As always, you can follow the latest updates in our Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/DollStudioEU

Also, we have the New products listing on all three Dollstudio websites. It is sorted in reverse chronological order, so the latest additions to our portfolio are on top of the listing:

On Dollstudio EU, there is also the New arrivals timeline http://eu.dollstudio.org/timeline with a slightly different display style.

3) Latest blog posts.

Our daily blog posts feature mostly new photo sets, showcasing dolls and heads in various configurations.

These blog posts are mirrored on the Latest blog posts section all three Dollstudio websites. It is sorted in reverse chronological order, newest posts on top:

(EU and US sites in English, DE site in German)

4) Latest Vlogs.

Dollstudio Vlogs are a new approach to reach an audience outside the established doll communities. The vlogs are published on Youtube.

5) Industry news.

This regular column report about things like noteworthy events, model line changes, business updates, technical updates, and dolls in development.

6) Factory photos and shipped dolls.

This week we had two completed dolls:

7) Weekly Top 10 Dolls.

Based on our website access stats, here is the weekly report: What's trending this week?

Dollstudio US

  1. Zelex ZES-170/C
  2. WM Doll WM-158/D
  3. Irokebijin IKS-140/F
  4. Gynoid GT-162/A (Model 15)
  5. WM Dolls WM-175/D
  6. WM Dolls WM-172/B
  7. WM Dolls WM-175/B
  8. Zelex ZES-165/F
  9. Gynoid GT-165/D (Model 16)
  10. Irokebijin IKS-90/E Abby

Dollstudio EU

  1. Zelex ZES-170/C
  2. WM Dolls WM-159/B
  3. Irokebijin IKS-140/F
  4. WM Dolls WM-175/D
  5. Gynoid GT-165/D (Model 16)
  6. Irokebijin IKS-90/E Abby
  7. WM Dolls WM-175/B
  8. WM Dolls WM-164/J
  9. Gynoid GT-162/A (Model 15)
  10. WM Dolls WM-160/A

Dollstudio DE

  1. Zelex ZES-170/C
  2. WM Dolls WM-160/A
  3. Zelex ZES-165/F
  4. Gynoid GT-162/A (Model 15)
  5. WM Dolls WM-164/J
  6. Doll House 168 DH21-90/E
  7. WM Dolls WM-164/D
  8. WM Dolls WM-175/D
  9. Irokebijin IKT-90/E Akane
  10. Zelex ZES-167/E



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