Unboxing Sino-doll SI-162/D body style with S30 ›Linyin‹ and S31 ›Chris‹ heads

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#1 14. November 2019 - 22:05
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Unboxing Sino-doll SI-162/D body style with S30 ›Linyin‹ and S31 ›Chris‹ heads


in this thread I will post an Unboxing review of Sino-doll SI-162/D body style with S30 aka ›Linyin‹ and S31 aka ›Chris‹ heads. The SI-162/D is a life-sized silicone love doll with a specified body height of 162 cm (with head) respectively 149 cm (without head) and a body weight of 34 kg.

I decided to order yet another Sino-doll for a review because some things came together:

  • Sino released several life-sized heads I liked; the only downside of the beautiful S10 aka ›Amanda‹ head is it's relatively small size, so I was looking for a bigger replacement;
  • there were now two interesting body styles - the SI-158 and the SI-162 - which were both a little bit taller than the the otherwise flawless SI-152; and
  • Sate's review on TDF raised a couple of questions I needed to be answered for my customers (and myself).

This is Minghao's depiction of Sino-doll's SI-162/D body style together with the S30 head aka ›Linyin‹:

More pictures from this photo set are here: New arrivals: Sino-doll SI-162/D body style - silicone / 162 cm / 34 kg

This is the configuration I ordered:

  • Body style: S162 cm
  • Skin color: normal/natural (same as promotion photos)
  • Vagina built-in/fixed
  • Ultra-soft vagina option
  • Skeleton options: standing without bolts, shrugging shoulders
  • Finger and toe nails: pink French manicure
  • Nipple color: (same as promotion photos or #2)
  • Areola size: (medium)
  • No pubic hair, no tattoos, no bikini lines

For the head it took a while to decide between S30 and S31. Linyin (S30) is a a friendly face; she's perfect in Minghao's promotion photos, and she's a developed doll character which would be interesting to see cloned. Chris (S31) has a mouth I like better, but she appears very different, depending on the photo respectively makeup. Sometimes I love her overall expression, sometimes I do not like her expression at all. Finally I decided for the safe bet - S30.

  • Head 1: S30 aka ›Linyin‹
  • Skin color: normal/natural
  • Eye color: #4 (brown)
  • With eye mechanism
  • Wig: (same as promotion photos - long, grey)
  • Lip color (same as promotion photos)

In the beginning of November, Charmy posted this comparison picture on Twitter:

According to Sino-doll, it is possible to choose the facial makeup based on a reference photo. So I finally added the S31 head to my order, with makeup like the S31 variant in the middle of the picture above.

  • Head 2: S31 aka ›Chris‹
  • Skin color: normal/natural
  • Eye color: #7 (blue-green)
  • With eye mechanism
  • Wig: #1 or anything long, blonde
  • "Exactly the same makeup as reference photo"

Among the things I am particularily interested in this review are the following questions:

  • How is consistency of manufacturing quality? Is the doll similarily good as the SI-152/D from last review?
  • How close do we get by 'cloning' a character from promotion photos? Does it work good enough to let the factory mimic customization options from a reference photo?
  • How good is the standing without bolts option? Can it be used for everyday purposes, and is it a full alternative to pegs for standing?

This is the experienced turnaround time:

  • The order was placed on October 11th, 2019.
  • Added S31 head on November 5th to the order.
  • Received factory photos on November 15th, 2019.
  • Expected time for international transit and customs clearance: 2-3 weeks.

So the approximate lead time to make a Sino-doll with two heads is roughly around one month; that's similar to the lead times of other Chinese silicone doll makers like Doll Sweet or Hitdoll/Ildoll.

The two successor reviews to this unboxing were:

And here are the factory photos.

Sino-doll SI-162/D body style with S30 aka ›Linyin‹ head:

Sino-doll S21 aka ›Chris‹ head:

Some details of the neck connector:

And last but not least a picture to see the shrugging shoulder option:

One factory photo request Sino-doll was not willing to fulfill – they won't let the doll stand to demonstrate the standing without bolts option:

Regarding the doll standing's photo […] in order to protect the doll won't be damaged in the accident, I couldn't make the doll standing and take photo for your view […]

I guess that can mean two things: Either the factory wants to be careful and not to scratch the soles of the feet for a factory confirmation photo; or Sino-doll does not fully trust in the 'standing without bolts' option. So this will be an topic we'll look into more closely.

Last but not least, as always in my reviews a footnote for ethical reasons: As it has been established recently in quality magazines, revievers disclose if they have received a free sample or other benefits for the review. In the spirit of this transparency I am disclosing that – as always – my samples are paid orders. So this review will not be biased by any 'returned favours'.




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7. December 2019 - 1:50
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Re: Unboxing Sino-doll SI-162/D body style with S30 ›Linyin‹...


time for some updates – the Sino-doll SI-162/D body and the S30 ›Linyin‹ and S31 ›Chris‹ heads have arrived. Even though it itched me to add a 3rd head – S35 aka ›Linchacha‹ –, I guess it's good to get things finalized at some point.

So here is a quick breakdown of the topics I am planning to cover in this Unboxing review:

  1. Shipping & Packaging,
  2. Padding & Wrapping,
  3. Manual / Documentation / Usage instructions,
  4. Accessories and Scope of supply,
  5. Configuration and First Impressions,
  6. Consistency,
  7. Accordance to specifications,
  8. Cloning a character from promotion photos,
  9. Head(s),
  10. Eye mechanism,
  11. Neck connector and skeleton,
  12. Standing without bolts and posing capability,
  13. Silicone blend, skin surface, skin tone and surface finishing,
  14. Manufacturing Quality,
  15. Body shape and lady parts,
  16. Head-to-body proportions,
  17. Body cavities,
  18. Hybrid doll potential.

(continued in next post)

9. December 2019 - 3:06
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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1) Shipping & Packaging

Regarding the total waiting time from order confirmation until delivery: The doll had been ordered on October 11th; I got factory confirmation photos on November 15th; and finally, the doll was delivered on December 5th, 2019. So the total waiting time was around 7 weeks. That's not bad, considering that I added a 2nd head during the manufacturing process, but it requires more patience than when ordering a TPE doll.

The shipment arrived in two parts, one empty cardboard box on December 4th and the actual cardboard box with the doll and both heads one day later; package size according to the label is 160×43×28 cm.

Please note: The small box might be a new 'game' by the shipping agenta so they can break down an overweight package into a two-part shipment so he can avoid overweight charges. I have seen similar two-part shipments from other manufacturers as well, so Sino-doll is not resposible for shipping empty boxes around the globe.

The actual box arrived in good condition. Two things are noteworthy: As visible in the photo above, on one side the box got a poke. That's where the neck connector is. So even with Sino-doll's excellent packaging, these pokes can still happen.

And the box had a couple of spots like this:

Spots like this can be indicative for strong oil leakage and/or parts of the doll which had direct contact with the cardboard (which should not happen). Of course, the spots could be dirt from shipping as well, so the do not indicate necessarily something bad.

(continued in next post)

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9. December 2019 - 3:06
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2) Padding & Wrapping

Obviously, the main package was delivered on a hand truck with the small side up; shipments like this used to give me high blood pressure. But that changed, at least for Sino-doll, since they switched to a molded padding. With this padding style, the doll rests in a foam cocoon which is shaped like the doll's body. The doll can not move around in the box, and it significantly reduces the risk of loose parts floating around in the box, poking into the doll's delicate skin.

This padding does not look particularily nice, but it helps to protect the doll much more efficiently than any other padding I have ever seen for love dolls. It simply gives me some peace of mind.

Below the molded padding, the doll is packaged like you are used to from other Chinese doll makers. The whole body is wrapped inside a large plastic bag…

and arms, hands and feet are carefully wrapped in additional padding:

The last time, Sino put a little padding over the neck connector; this time it was just the pure spigot-type connector without any protection – and it was bent severely, so this doll has traveled at least some part of her journey with the neck down. Thanks to the hinged neck and molded padded this does not cause an injury.

(continued in next post)

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9. December 2019 - 3:06
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3) Manual / Documentation / Usage Instructions

The lack of documentation & usage instructions has always been a weakness since Z-Onedoll times.

Similar to their predecessor brand, Sino-dolls come without any documentation.

No manual, no usage instruction, no even a photocopied diagram with recommended/permitted range of movements.

That's bad, especially for new doll owners.

(continued in next post)

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9. December 2019 - 3:07
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4) Accessories and Scope of Supply

Since Sino-doll uses the molded padding, you won't get a soft blanket together with your doll. That's a $8 value, but you might want to consider to get one for your doll, at least if you want her to sit somewhere or to cover her up if you get visitors.

The accessories which come together with the doll are sparse; I got one wig for each head and one random outfit.

Noteworthy about the wig is that the long gray hair are not part of Sino-doll's current wig collection. Actually it's a photographers's wig as shown on the promotion photos. Sino-doll managed to get this wig for "exactly as depicted on the promotion photos" orders. That's quite nice!

Also, in a bag were a couple of additional accessories: an USB heating rod, a pair of cotton gloves (no, definitely not cotton, it's some synthetic fiber), a metal comb and a large syringe:

The scope of supply is pretty much the same what Z-Onedoll has shipped for years. None of these accessories are essentials, but they are nice to have goodies.

(continued in next post)

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9. December 2019 - 3:07
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5) Configuration and First Impressions

Configuration: I will keep this section short as configuration was mostly based on reference photos; skin color, wigs, eye colors, body makeup and as well vagina type (built-in/fixed) as standing type (standing without bolts) were done as ordered. That's an enhancement to Z-Onedoll times where shipped dolls did not always have exactly the options as ordered. And it's a major enhancement to what is still very common among some TPE doll makers where the shipped customization options still can be hit & miss.

First Impressions: Peeling a new doll out of her wrapping is always exciting. Here are the first glimpses of her lady parts:

The looks are nice.

When removing the plastic bag, there is no noticable smell.

But the doll is oily, very oily. Quickly wiping of the body surface with some soap and a cloth does not reduce the oily surface. So this doll will probably wear stockings most of the time.

And there is softness, a lot of softness. The whole body is quite soft, except for the feet which are molded in a firmer silicone to allow standing without bolts. The breasts are very soft and have a nice jiggle.

Lifting the doll out of the box is not effortless; the SI-162/D feels heavy. I will later check the actual weight.

Also worth mentioning: Finger nails and toe nails feel solid; they are attached with good precision and do not leave the impression that they could fall off anytime soon.

Fingers have wires, but the hands feel reasonably good. Though, the hands are no comparison with a hand with articulated fingers. But the way they are, Sino-doll's hands are 'good enough'. They are posable, and the wires feel almost as strong as in a current Doll Sweet hand.

The feet with the 'standing without bolts' option is good on the left foot but looks horrible on the other one. Depending on how important beautiful feet are for you, this can be a dealbraker. I will later look into this in more detail.

The heads are good, too. Manufacturing quality appears to be quite good.

Overall, this appears to be a quite good doll at a quality level clearly beyond Z-Onedoll.

(continued in next post)

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9. December 2019 - 3:07
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6) Consistency

Since Sino-doll got (almost) all the basics right this time, it elevates dolls from this brand above average. This is a trend I have been observing since the last Unboxing review with a Sino-doll from a couple of moths ago. And it is a new development that there are now more than one or two Chinese doll makers making a move towards the medium range or even towards the upper medium range.

For dolls from other doll makers who not even get the basics right, it's pretty pointless to look closely into details. But for the medium range, evaluation criteria can be a bit stricter as it's an overall more advanced league. So in this review I will take a look into consistency. For example: I manufacturing quality consistent, or are there 'stray bullets'?

An issue reported in Sate's review from a couple of weeks ago was that on his doll, the alignment of the neck connector was off. I had encountered a similar issue in my Unboxing review from about one year ago. Though, my SI-152/D from last summer has a properly aligned neck connector. To get a greater number of case samples I have been asking Sino-doll for the past couple of weeks for every completed doll to take pictures of the neck connector.

The result of this little survey is that there are some slight deviations, but no no massive misalignment like encountered by Sate or in my SI-172/H sample. So there are 'stray bullets', but no systematic manufacturing flaws.

I will mention other consistency checks in the following sections where applicable. To anticipate it: Yes, Sino-doll has some consistency issues. Though, it's not the neck connector.

(continued in next post)

17. December 2019 - 4:40
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7) Accordance to specifications

Measurements time…

Sino-doll SI-162/D body with S31 head: 37,7 kg.

Specified weight is, according to Sino-doll: "34 kg (±3)". If that "±3" is supposed to indicate a possible variance of plus/minus 3 kg, the doll is almost within specified parameters (3,7 kg heavier than specified).

S30 head: 2,1 kg

S31 head: 2,3 kg kg

Since there are no weight specs for the heads, these numbers are only for reference.


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12. December 2019 - 6:43
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8) Cloning a character from promotion photos


12. December 2019 - 6:43
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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9) Head(s)

Both Sino-doll heads have an oral cavity, so to some degree they are capable of oral sex. Also, both heads come without teeth and without a tongue.

Also, both Sino-doll heads have some unobtrusive facial makeup, but not much 'depth'. I think they both would benefit from finishing touches of a skilled makeup artist who can breathe some life into these faces.

S31 head aka ›Chris‹

Nice clean touch, but let's dim the light down a bit so we can see two properties of Sino-doll's silicone: Firsty, there is skin texture; and secondly, the silicone reflects light.

The bust is made of a shiny material, probably PE. Sino-doll's silicone reflects frontal lighting similarily like this plastic material. That's a major difference to Doll Sweet's silicone. Let's take a closer look…

For comparison: Doll Sweet's ›Yolanda‹

Skin color: cream, with S-level makeup.

The direct comparison illustrates how differently light is reflected by Sino-doll's and Doll Sweet's silicone. The Sino-doll heads will require indirect lighting or a softbox to reduce the shininess.

Also, both silicone blends are haptically quite the opposite - Doll Sweet's S-level makeup comes with a firm silicone blend, and a matted non-oily surface. The Sino-doll heads are very soft and rather oily.

S30 head aka ›Linyin‹

S31 head aka ›Chris‹ and S30 head aka ›Linyin‹

Some details


The mouth respectivly oral canal is a detail I do not find very convincing. Instead of a mouth cavity it's rather a narrow hole; the lips are not cleanly separated, and the inside of the mouth cavity is not properly pigmented. I guess the mouth will neither 100% satisfy those who want oral sex nor those who just want immaculate lips. However, the mouth is kissable.

So in direct comparison, Doll Sweet's heads with S-level makeup excel for photography and display, but only for that. Manufacturing quality is excellent, the makeup is good, and the pigmentation does not rub off.

Both Sino-doll heads are quite precisely manufactured, much better than the S4 aka ›Britt‹ from November 2018 and literally lightyears ahead of an average Z-Onedoll head. Sino-dolls progress in manufacturing quality is quite impressive.

However, the Sino-doll heads are similarily suited for display and photography as a good TPE head. Haptically and functionally they are closely related as well. They are similarily soft like a typical TPE head, but they are also similarily oily. That raises the question: Why pay the extra $$$ for silicone is there are not so many tangible benefits? The only answer which comes to mind is that the facial makeup on a Sino-doll head is also permanent and does not as easily rub off as TPE makeup.

(continued in next post)

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