Climax Doll - Updates and Changes

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#1 27. April 2024 - 6:00
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Climax Doll - Updates and Changes


here are some Updates from Climax Doll, "silent changes" edition.

A while ago, Climax Doll started to stucture their portfolio into three distinct model lines:

  • CLM Classic,
  • CLM Pro, and
  • CLM Ultra.

Back then, it was not clear if these were just nice sounding labels or if there was a meaning attached to it. Recently the 'fog' has started to lift a bit. There seems to be a meaning as different skin colors are available for the different model lineups.

Old ("classic") skin colors (as of 03/2021):

Skin colors for the CLM Ultra model lineup (as of 04/2024):

CLM "Black" is still a tan, and the actual black skin color "Cocoa" dissapeared. But three unusual skin colors - Blue, Purple and Red - became options for all products from the CLM Ultra lineup. These skin colors are also available for some products from the CLM Pro model lineup, like the "Silicone Pro" vaginas (default skin color is free, non-standard skin colors are charged extra).

Also, the CLM Ultra model lineup comes with a set of five different finger nail colors, ten different eye colors, and 17 "CLM Ultra wigs". And of course, some of these CLM Ultra options seem to be used for the CLM Pro and CLM Classic model lineups.
